Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our Stuff

I was just thing about what items in life I can't live without. I wakeup check my e-mail sync my iPod and turn on pandora every morning. I may sound lame but, those are the things that start my day. Sometime I say I can't live without those things but, I know I really can. It just makes things that much better. So, what are those things that you can't live without?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Image!!! What do you see?

Why is image so important in our world? Can it determine the plan that is set for your life? Can it get you that job you always wanted. Can it get you that person you so desire in your heart? Is it an idol, that makes every step that moves you towards the next level or that new experence? Where is your image determine and what makes you strive for the image you give?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Dating in the Christian community is one of those weird things. We don't want to be legalist but, you also want to be God edifying as well. I have been blessed to be with one women my whole life. Not most people can say that. As parents (not even being one yet) we want to raise our children as God would like but, in this world it is becoming ever increasingly hard. Emily posted a great debate about dating and how people feel about it and so it has inspired me to go in depth as I can before I have to go to sleep. Dating the final frontier love, heartache, sadness, joy, pain, hate. These are all of the emotions that we go threw during the process of dating. What does scripture say? Man will leave his parents and cleave to his wife.(Short Version) Not hookup, shack up , and breakup. Yeah yeah yeah maybe you can keep your hands to yourself not likely lets be real about this. Our problem with the idea of dating is that the "C" Church has said nothing on this topic. Therefore the longer it remains silent the more we will have nonbiblical assessments on how to date in a way that help us look for a husband or wife instead of a fun time. Here is the real problem we have no understanding of how to respect people. Sure we do. I'm and adult they are an adult I know how to take care of myself and so do they. That is a load of crap. You don't see them as God sees them. They are an image bearer of God made in the same likeness of you. You also are an image bearer of God. Until you know that and understand that dating will just be some thing that you do. Until you can look across that table and say to yourself and that person I'm looking for a husband or wife you are wasting their time. The idea of being friends and just hanging out is a lot easier when you are getting to know someone. Dating is so fake. You get dressed up put on makeup full knowing that if you are together over a year from now you won't be working that hard to look good. Maybe on a special occasion but, for the most part you will end up letting lose and being the real person you are. That is how the world has gripped you and has manipulated you to doing that things that it says is acceptable. Instead of knowing your scripture and saying I can live my life counter cultural of what the world says. More next it's time for bed.