Saturday, December 28, 2013

Something to think about???

I recently watched a message by Rick Warren and the 2013 Resurgence Conference. It was a so enlightening. He helped me to see how much FAITH I really lack. I would tell anyone to go listen or watch it. The thing that hit me the most was how simply he articulated our sin problem. He uses the terms “Lust of the flesh”,”Pride of life”,and “Lust of the eyes”. These are the three things that every sin is rooted in. The most well known place that we see this is in the Garden of Eden. Eve is temped to by all three. She lusted after the fruit on the tree seeing that it was good to eat. Then desired to be like God. So, she took the fruit and ate it. 
In our culture these three things are intertwined with everything we do. We see it everyday on our TV's, on our billboards,  and in the every day interactions we have with people. It has opened my eyes to the sins that are placed before me everyday. It has challenged me to put to death those things in my life that I see as common place. To be closer to my Savior I must die to the things of this world. Therefore, I am making a complete evaluation of all of the things that I am doing in my life. I am taking the things that are not going to push me closer, or help me to walk closer with Jesus. So, I ask you what are you changing in your life? What can you cut out? What can you put in place to draw you closer to Jesus?