Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Heart of Man

Here is some thoughts that I ran down one day and it worked its way into a poem.

Who can explain the heart of man
Hiding behind what he can not stand
Searching for meaning in the wrong hand
Who can explain the heart of man

Who can define the heart of man
It seeks to sin and not love
It not looking up above
Lost in the world and it’s fame
When it’s gone it’s all a shame
Who can define the heart of man

Who knows the heart of man
Living a life full of greed
Created for a bad seed
It lives a life amorally
Never searching for eternity
Caught in the lust of the flesh
Focused on life and not death
Who knows the heart of man

Who will save the heart of man
He came as a ransom for all
All because of the fall
Yes the fall, the fall of man
Yes it’s Jesus the Son of Man
He lived to die on a cross
He came us to save the lost
Oh the lost yes they’re lost
He told us all to the count the cost
Do you realize the price for sin
Neither did Adam neither do men
Who will save the heart of man

Now the time has come
For me to die for what I’ve done
I sinned through grace and sinned through love
Just to receive God’s grace from above
Only Jesus can save the heart of man
He did it on the cross the spotless lamb


  1. The heart of man... "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

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