Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Sons of Noah(Genesis 9:18-29)

This is a portion of scripture that I have never heard anyone teach about so here we go. This is the story about the sons of Noah. I think I need to state this before I continue further. As I write this I assume that you have looked at or have some basic understanding about these scriptures. I am not really providing an outline or back story on most of these.  So, as we see Noah has become drunk off of  wine. This is a repeated theme that happens throughout the bible. God blesses someone and starts new but they then can not walk completely in that blessing placed on them. Adam did it and now Noah is continuing the cycle. This further illustrates our need for a savour in Jesus. Because Noah could not sustain the covenant that he made with God, his sons had to cover his nakedness(SIN). Noah's sons are being like Jesus by covering him up. Jesus blood covered all our sins. Sometimes I really have to search long and hard to see Jesus in all scripture, but this one really stands out.

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