Sunday, July 14, 2013


     I posted something on Facebook about this just to let people know the sadness that I see in our society. We makes stances on things but we don't back up our opinions. We bandstand about something and then go back to our pretty life and do nothing about it. 
     We as Americans have bought into the HYPE. Not me. The media feeds us information about this and that and we make stands on Facebook but get off of our soapbox as soon as we post our voice. We vent our frustrations about injustice but don't do anything about it. In a nation of such abundance, we are unwilling to sacrifice to make a change. Our life is consumed by the idea that we can make a change but nobody is making that change. We Need Change is what I heard but is there true change. I'm not trying to make it political so don't take it that way. 
     I looked at my most of my friends on Facebook make such ignorant statements. I was so disappointed in people. Should I not be disappointed? We are flawed people leaving in an imperfect world. We are naturally going to say things like this. With an imperfect justice system why should we be surprised? The thing about justice is people want to preach justice until it does not agree with their cause. Funny how people feel when the shoe is on the other foot. 
     Now to the race/color thing. I am a looked at in the world as a Black/African American male. Truth be told my father/sperm donor is a Hispanic male. My mother is an African American woman. Now if I came out looking like my dad a fair skinned male verse looking like my mother a dark skinned woman that changes the way people would look at me. How sad is that? Are we ignorant enough to believe the lie? The lie that depending on the color of someones skin they are either one way or the other. Have people not died to stop this?  Yes, we continue the cycle when we spew hate on the inner webs and then out into the world with our words and actions. 
      In conclusion, we as a people must be the change that we want to see in the world. That is what I live by. We show people that change can come. Change will come when you step out to be that change. We must educate people about the ignorance that they put out in this world. I know that there will be people that will not want to receive it but that must not stop us from doing it. So, what do you think? 

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