Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The other day Emily and I realized how much we have grown in our marrage. This is something simple but, previously this would have been blown out of proportion. We were in Kroger and was discussing dinner. She picked up a bag of salad and said this should be good for dinner. I was not wanting salad at all. I was not exactly sure what I wanted. I just didn't want salad. So, she wanted me do pick what to eat. I then said."I don't know." This would have been trouble a year or two maybe even last year but, we both recouped and just went with the flow. Before his would have ruined our day. Just minutes after I was so happy to see how we both handled that situation. So what are some of the great thing that you have gone threw and came out the other side? Also, what are some thing that you are still struggling with?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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