Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Bible

I know that I have not been on here in a long time. My new goal is to do a post at least once a month. Life is just really crazy and I would like to use this as a place of discussion about whatever may be going on in my life. It could be about parenting church stuff anything that comes up in my life. Anything that I might think people would like to discuss.
So, with that being said I would like to talk about the Bible. Yes, the Bible. I was listening to a message recently and it was about the Bible and why we have it. It was done well but there was something missing for me. We come to the scriptures and look for what is being said and what is going on. Most of the time we are looking for application. It is the most practical way to read the Bible. But a lot of the time we miss Jesus. Yes, Jesus. He is why the book is here. He is the living word of God. Often times we read a text in the Old Testament and we see David and characters like him and we see stories about people. They are tales of how they made it through a troubling time with the help of God. I think that we are missing Jesus in the story. If the Bible is God's love letter to us why do we not see the "Word" the second part of the trinity Jesus in his word? I think this is missed most commonly in the Old Testament. In Luke after Jesus has been resurrected Jesus tells his disciples how all of the scriptures are about him. The law,and the prophets all of it is about him. Each main character in the Old Testament is a picture of Jesus. Moses leading the people out of the bondage and slavery of the Egyptians is Jesus leading us out of the bondage and slavery of our sins. Jonah is the prophet that was in the belly of a whale for three days. Jesus laid in the belly of the earth but rose from the grave in three days. Job was blameless just as Jesus was but was put through suffering to receive all of the riches back that God had taken from him. Just as Abel's blood cried out to God. It is Jesus blood crying out to us cleaning us for all sin and iniquity. There is so much more to the scriptures than just at first glance. Jesus is prophet priest and king. Each prophet priest or king in the Old Testament are pictures of Jesus. This is just a small glimpse into seeing Christ in the Old Testament. This is just a little piece. I would love to see if this helps anyone while looking they study the scriptures. Please let me know if this helps your study. 

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