Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Fall

Hello everyone I said that my goal was to post something once a month. Now I have this constant urge to start writing again so, I'm not going to hold myself back. I'm going to be continuing on my new favorite thing to talk about the Old Testament. I want to focus on the book of Genesis. In the book of beginnings would be the best place to begin. Chapter three will be my main focus. This chapter is all about the Fall. At the end of the chapter we see the first sacrifice. It is never mentioned that God had to sacrifice an animal for the garments for Adam and Eve. But, if we think about this a little more we have to realize that this animal was most likely without blemish. That animal had to cover them from the nakedness that they were ashamed of. Not just that but the sins that they had committed. God covered them in more that one way. He covers us from our shame, our sin and our nakedness. This is just a foreshadow of Jesus. The one that cleanses us for all of those things. I think that the idea of God covering them from their nakedness is very important. We must try to be naked spiritually. He wants us to be free to be the people that he created us to be. Without that we are just covering ourselves in a mask. We are all participants in the grand masquerade party. But, God is asking us to come from behind the mask and come to the real party. The great banquet that Jesus talks about in Luke 14. 

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